The FatSteak Club

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Mega Pud

Who doesn't love Yorkshire puddings, especially big ones!

I've made a few in the past which were big enough to serve your dinner in, always a nice touch but this was a flash of inspiration. For whatever reason, when cooking my Sunday roast, I decided to use my paella pan which I was bought for Christmas to put a little colour on my roasties.

Having finished, I was looking at the pan on the hob thinking I must cook a paella but also accepting that this was unlikely to be accomplished anytime soon. I stared some more, with it's angled sides, and then it came to me - make one massive Yorkshire pudding big enough to put everyone's dinner in.

Solid result.

When making puds, most people have their own way and have I tried many but the following recipe always deliverers good Yorkies, regardless of which size tray you use!

Step 1 - Prep the batter

  • Add the flour and salt to a bowl
  • Chuck in the eggs and turn until it starts to come together
  • Start adding the milk until it's a smooth batter
  • Leave in the fridge until ready

Step 2 - Prep the Heat

  • Set over the 220C
  • Put your tray or pan and give it time to get hot
  • When ready, add some vegetable oil, using a brush to make sure it covers the sides of the pan. Not loads but a couple of millimetres at least
  • Stick back in the oven for a couple of minutes so the oil is hot too
  • When ready, pour in your batter to about half way up

Step 3 - Look but don't touch!

  • Leave for 15 minutes or until risen
  • Don't open the door until ready!!!

Yorkshire Pudding

  • 200g Plain flour
  • 300g Milk
  • 4 Beaten eggs
  • Pinch of salt