The FatSteak Club

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Garlic Mushroom Bombs

Recently in one of my locals, my wife ordered a retro classic to go nicely with our beer - some garlic mushrooms. I haven’t had these little babies for a long time and was excited at the prospect. I’d forgotten that I had high standards for such things as I used to knock out stacks of them in the 90s when I worked in a pub kitchen.

With my taste buds warming up in anticipation of some garlicky nibbles to go with my well earned beer, imagine my disappointment when, biting into a breaded mushroom that, whilst golden on the outside, was watery on the inside. A sure sign of cooked from frozen. It got even worse with the second one which was larger. This was still frozen in the centre. So either the oil was too hot or they just didn’t cook it for long enough. Disappointed, it was returned. A second plate followed in quick fashion, a little too quick. Would you believe that the same thing happened again.

So determined to avenge such a savage attack on the simple but mighty pub classic, I thought I would relive my pub job youth and do them properly at home - with a beer or two, of course!

A word of warning, these mushrooms are all about the garlic, so if you are on a hot date, make sure they’ve had them too!

Step 1 - The Mushrooms

  • Pull the stalks from the mushrooms, being careful not to damage the tops

  • With a sharp knife, chop up your garlic, sprinkle some salt over it and then with the flat of the blade, spread the garlic to crush it a little.
    Repeat the chopping and spreading until you’ve had enough.
    You could use a garlic crusher or grater but where’s the fun in that?!

  • Soften the butter a little for 30 seconds in the microwave

  • Add the garlic to the butter and mash with a fork until its evenly mixed. It should be just pourable
    You can add some chopped parsley if you like which works well, but this is all about recreation rather than adaptation


Step 2 - The Fill

  • Fill each mushroom to the brim with the garlicky butter until just overflowing

  • Whilst the butter sets a little, heat a pan

  • Put some oil for deep frying on at 180C

  • Get three bowls - fill one with flour, one with bread crumbs and the last with a beaten egg

  • Get some cocktail sticks at the ready

Step 3 - Assemble and Cook

  • If doing in batches, put the oven on at 120C to keep the mushrooms warm

  • Take each mushroom butter side down rub on the hot pan so any excess butter melts into the edges and you create a flat surface

  • Take two equally sized mushrooms and place together, butter to butter.
    Hold together with a cocktail stick and repeat until they are all done

  • Finally coat each one in flour, then dip in the egg and then give a thorough coating in bread crumbs, then back in the egg and one final coating in breadcrumbs

  • Cook in the oil for about 2m 30 seconds, by this point they should just start to turn golden. Make sure you keep them loving and dunking as they float otherwise you will end up with one uncooked side

  • When done, put on some kitchen paper before serving with your garnish of choice


Garlic Mushroom Bombs

  • Mushrooms of your choice, as long as the have a cup. I used 12

  • 100g butter

  • 6 cloves of garlic or more. Don’t be shy

  • Salt

  • Flour

  • 2 eggs

  • Breadcrumbs