The FatSteak Club

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Salty Charred Red Peppers

This is another of those simple but very effective dishes. Tasty and colourful, delicious hot or cold, it's a go to for most occasions and a must for any tapas session.

I like to make extra portions so that there is some to go in the fridge. It works great in a falafel or roast leftovers wrap.


Step 1 - Prep your peppers

  • Cut the tops off and cut around the core
  • Pull out and bang to get most of the seeds out
  • Cut in half and remove as much of the white from the inside as you can
  • Put inside down on the board and squash flat


Step 2 - Charring

  • Heat up a griddle pan really hot
  • Once really hot, put the peppers skin side down 
  • Put something heavy on them
  • After 3-4 minutes or nicely charred, turn over for another few minutes


Step 3 - Plate up

  • Slice up the peppers
  • Put a layer on a plate or dish
  • Splash over some olive oil and a pinch of salt
  • Repeat
  • On the top layer be generous with the oil and salt


Charred Red Peppers

  • Red peppers
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Chunky sea salt