The FatSteak Club

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Veg Pakoras

This is another one of those dishes that is extremely simple to make but absolutely delicious. It’s very versatile and can be used to clean up all sorts of leftover or excess veg in the fridge and turn it into a classic Indian dish.

Also, it’s deep-fried so it sits well here at the FatSteak Club!

Step 1 - Chop, grate and get your hands dirty

  • Get a large deep bowl and grate the potatoes into it

  • Slice up the courgette and aubergine into 2 cm long thin sticks, not too thick but don’t be too precious about it and add to the potatoes

  • Slice the onion and chuck in the bowl

  • Give it all a mix

  • Add a good squeeze of tomato puree and the garlic and ginger pastes

  • Pour in a few shakes of lemon juice or a squeeze half a lemon

  • Then add the spices

  • Add the gram flour

  • A good dose of salt and pepper

  • Then finally pour in the water

  • Get well stuck in with your hands until it’s all thoroughly mixed, all the veg are covered and you can form rough shapes with the batter. You don’t want it too wet.
    If it’s a little dry, add a splash more water, though be careful, a little goes a long way.


Step 2 - Prep and deep fry

  • Heat your oil to 180C

  • Whilst the oil is heating up, put a tray with plenty of kitchen paper into the oven and set it to 60C

  • Using two spoons, start making pakoras and set on a plate, they will then be readily at hand to go into the oil. Keep the production line going.
    Top top: I found using spoons to make them then a fish slice to take them from the plate and gently drop them into the fryer worked well.

  • Once your oil is hot enough, cook in batches, making sure to not put too many in. They should be cooked in 3-4 minutes.
    Once done, remove and transfer to the tray in the oven to keep warm until ready

  • Serve with a simple yoghurt and cucumber dip with some spring onions for colour and freshness or some mango chutney for a sweet hit

Veg Pakoras

  • 2 potatoes

  • 1 small courgette

  • 1 aubergine

  • 1 onion

  • Tomato puree

  • 2 tsp garlic paste

  • 2 tsp ginger paste

  • Lemon juice or 1/2 lemon

  • 2 tsp chilli powder

  • 3 tsp garam masala

  • 3 tsp ground coriander

  • Salt and pepper

  • 300g gram flour

  • Oil for deep frying