3 to 1

I'm always up for a good salad, especially now that the warm weather is finally upon us.
From the extremely healthy to the very naughty, the key to lifting it is a good dressing.
By good, it doesn't need to be complicated. Like most things in the kitchen, less is often more.
This is why these two simple tips tool you up to experiment and knock out consistently solid dressings time and time again.
This tip is pretty much in every cookery program and book across the land yet I am still amazed that so many people don't know it.
Three to One - Three parts oil to one part acid.
Stick it in a jam jar with the lid tight and shake well to homogenise.
That's it. It keeps for ages and just shake it before every use (Remember to check the lid before the re-shake - I still have marks on my ceiling!)
Some of my simple go-to combos:
(3) Extra Virgin olive oil, (1) cider vinegar and salt & pepper.
(3) Extra Virgin olive oil, (1) white wine vinegar, a squirt of honey and Dijon/wholegrain mustard (Depending on what's in the fridge).
(3) Extra Virgin olive oil, (1) Lime juice, salt & pepper and chilli flakes.
(A splash of cider vinegar and/or honey to balance as can be a bit tart)
You get the drift.
Swap out oils and vinegar as available, play around with flavours.
Add chilli, garlic, herbs etc.
If olive oil is a little too strong, split it half and half with rapeseed oil.
Just remember the ratio in a jam jar - 3 to 1.