The FatSteak Club

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Deep Fried Brie

An old chef friend showed my how to do this when I was about 16 (A long time ago). I can't remember why or what for, but if I had to guess I would say it was to cook something for a girlfriend in an attempt to do some food based wooing! "Fancy some deep fried cheese love?!"

It’s very straight forward, pretty retro but still a winner. Not much more to say other than give it a go.

Step 1 - Prep

  • Put the brie in the freezer so that it's easier to cut and also doesn't completely melt when it goes into the oil. Ideally give it 30-40 minutes

  • Get three bowls and fill one with flour, one with bread crumbs and one with a beaten egg

  • Get your oil on, heating to 190C

Step 2 - Coat

  • Slice up your cheese are you see fit. A wedge slices nicely into 4 triangles

  • Coat each triangle in flour, dip in egg then in bread crumbs.

  • Repeat the egg and bread crumbs dip for a double layer which also helps to protect the cheese from the oil - it helps keep the goodness contained!

Step 3 - Cook

  • Gently lower the brie into the oil, it should only take a couple of minutes max

  • When the bread crumbs start to turn golden pull out and rest on kitchen paper for at least 5 minutes to cool a little

Step 4 - Sauce and serve

  • Whilst the brie is cooling, in a pan melt down some cranberry sauce so it's runny. If it starts to thicken too much, add a splash of water and stir through

  • Put the cheese on the plate, drizzle over a little sauce leaving most on the side

  • Garnish with some basil for a little colour

  • Enjoy


Deep fried Brie

  • 1 wedge of your favourite brie (I like Somerset)

  • Vegetable oil or sunflower oil for deep frying

  • 1 or 2 eggs

  • Plain flour

  • Breadcrumbs

  • Cranberry