The FatSteak Club

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Deep-fried pickled onions

These really do introduce themselves. How can you take something as glorious as the pickled onion and improve it?
Deep fry it of course!! This was one of those experiments that were an instant hit.
Inspired by Dave’s deep-fried pickles I thought, why not onions, and being the festive period, there was a decent collection ready to help answer such a question.

I chose sweet and punchy silver skin onions as they are not too strong and perfectly bite-sized.

Step 1 - Prep

  • Fish out a good portion of the pickled onions. I used the last of mine and I keep the vinegar to put on some chips another time.

  • Get a bowl with some semolina in it. If you don’t have any, plain flour will do.

  • Beat an egg in a bowl.

  • Put some bread crumbs in a third bowl.

  • Pour some vegetable or sunflower oil into a saucepan and get it on a high heat.

  • Get a plate out with some kitchen paper on it.


Step 2 - Deep fry

  • As these only take 20 seconds and I was using a small pan, I did in batches of 5.
    Whilst the oil is heating up to 180C, you can start the getting the onions in their coats.

  • Roll each onion in semolina, then egg then bread crumbs.

  • When the oil is ready, cook in small batches so that the temperature doesn’t come down too much.
    As soon as they are golden, remove and put on the plate with the paper towel to remove any excess oil.

  • Continue until they are all done.

  • Serve straight away with some beer. These are also good cold though they probably won’t last that long.


 Deep-fried pickled onions

  • Semolina

  • 1 egg

  • Breadcrumbs

  • Silverskin pickled onions

  • Vegetable or sunflower oil for deep frying