The FatSteak Club

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Mac n Cheese Squares

I have to confess, Mac 'n Cheese wasn’t always at the top of my list but I find myself getting into it a lot more these days as my boys love it.

So one evening having made too much, I thought I would try a little experiment.
Of course, as so often as my experiments do, it involved covering something delicious in batter or bread crumbs and dropping it into hot oil.
Generally, something magical happens, and on this occasion, Paul Daniels would have been happy.

Step 1 - Feeze

  • Using a silicone ice cube tray, pack your leftovers into squares and freeze for an hour so that the cubes are hard enough to pop out without losing shape. You don’t want them rock solid otherwise the outside will burn before the inside has melted.

  • When these are nearly ready, start to heat up your oil, your aiming for 180C.


Step 2 - Prep

  • Get two bowls out and fill one with breadcrumbs.

  • In the other, crack an egg, a splash of milk, smoked paprika, garlic powder and a generous serving of salt and pepper.

  • Give it a good mix.

  • Using some tongs, a cube into the egg mix until covered then drop into the bread crumbs. Using a spoon to make sure it’s covered, repeat the process again so it is double dipped.

  • Repeat until all are ready.

Step 3 - Cook

  • When your oil is hot enough, add a few at a time so as not to lower the temperature of the oil.

  • They should only take a couple of minutes and be nice and golden brown when ready.
    Pull them out and give them a quick drop on some kitchen paper to remove and excess oil.

  • Serve hot so the cheese is melted inside, though these do keep well in the fridge and are delicious as a quick lockdown fridge snack!

 Deep Fried Mac ‘n Cheese

  • Left over Mac' ‘n Cheese

  • 1 Egg

  • 1 Milk

  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder

  • 1 tsp Smoked Paprika

  • Salt and Pepper

  • Vegetable or Sunflower oil for deep frying

  • Bread Crumbs