The FatSteak Club

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Brussel sprouts and crispy kale

This simple to cook side dish helps lock in all of the good parts of green vegetables as they are not steamed or boiled here, rather roasted. The Brussel sprouts retain their flavour, but become more mellow, and soften wonderfully. The kale roasted on top is cooked until crisp to give a contrasting texture. The smoked almonds add a lovely back note, and a little more crunch!

This is a perfect side dish to fatty meats, or to make use of the left over heat in the oven whilst your meat rests. It’s really good with a slow-roast leg of lamb.


Step 1 - Prepare your sprouts

  • Heat your oven to 180C

  • Trim and cut the sprouts in half

  • Get rid of any older leaves

  • Pop into a bowl

  • Drizzle with olive oil and a good pinch of sea salt

  • Toss to coat your sprouts


Step 2 - Prepare your kale

  • Thoroughly wash your kale, get rid of any grit

  • Pick through and get rid of any thick tough stems

  • Pop into a bowl

  • Roughly chop your smoked almonds

  • Tip on top of your kale

  • Drizzle with olive oil and mix well

Step 3 - Roast away!

  • Tip your sprouts on to a lined baking sheet, a silicon mat is perfect for this

  • Roast in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes

  • They are cooked when they are turning golden and a small knife pierces the sprout easily

  • Tip the kale on top and pop back in for 5 minutes

  • When the kale is crisp take out and serve


Brussel sprouts and crispy kale

  • 450g Brussel sprouts

  • Sea salt

  • 150g kale

  • 85g smoked almonds